TechniEtch Al80 - 2.50 l - MOS

Product information "TechniEtch Al80 - 2.50 l - MOS"
TechniEtch Al80
Aluminium Etchant
General Information
TechniEtch Al80 is a ready-to-use etching mixture based on phosphoric acid, nitric acid and acetic acid for aluminium etching. Our aluminium etchant TechniEtch Al80 has the composition H3PO4 : HNO3 : CH3COOH* : H2O = 80% : 5% : 5% : 10% comes in MOS quality.
Product Properties
- High etch rate at room temperature.
- High stability even in presence of metal contamination
- Loading & bath life mainly dependent of process temperature, tool and extraction flow
TechniEtch Al80 is compatible/etches selective to following materials:
- Metals: no attack on Au, Pt
- Metals: attack on Al
Data on selectivity and compatibility are manufacturer information and do not claim to be complete. Please contact us for further details.
Further Information
Safety Data TechniEtch Al80 (MOS) english
Sicherheitsdatenblatt TechniEtch Al80 (MOS) german
Technical Data Sheet TechniEtch Al80 (MOS) english
Specs TechniEtch Al80 (MOS)
Application Notes:
Wet Etching english
Nasschemisches Ätzen german
Wet Etching Metals english
Nasschemisches Ätzen von Metallen german
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