Further Resist Types
AZ 10XT Photoresist (220cP) - 3.785 l
AZ® 10XT (220CPS)
Thick photoresist for high resolution
General Information
AZ® 10XT is an i- and h-line (not g- line !) sensitive positive thick photoresist, as the successor to the AZ® 9260 and is largely identical in construction, but with a different surfactant. In contrast to the similarly named AZ® 12XT, the AZ® 10XT is not chemically amplified.
3.0 µm lines in 12 µm thick AZ® 10XT Ultratech 1500 Exposure, AZ® 400K Developer 1:4 (260s spray)
Product Features
AZ® 10XT not only has optimized resist adhesion to common substrate materials, but also the potential for very steep resist sidewalls and high aspect ratios. Accordingly, the AZ® 10XT is often used in electroplating, ion implantation or dry etching/RIE. AZ® 10XT achieves a resist film thickness of approx. 6 µm at a spin speed of 4000 rpm; with an appropriately adjusted spin profile, the resist film thickness range of approx. 4.5 - 20 µm can be covered. If thinner resist layers are desired, the AZ® 10XT can be diluted with PGMEA; alternatively, the thinner AZ® 4533 can also be used for many applications. From a resist film thickness of approximately 10 - 15 µm, processing the AZ® 10XT becomes increasingly time-consuming: the soft bake and subsequent development take longer, more and more time is needed for rehydration between soft bake and exposure, and the risk of nitrogen bubbles forming during exposure increases. For resist film thicknesses greater than 10 µm, it is recommended to consider using a chemically amplified thick resist such as AZ® 12 XT (5 - 20 µm resist film thickness) or AZ®IPS 6090 (> 20 µm resist film thickness), which have significantly shorter soft bake and development times for the corresponding resist thickness, do not need rehydration, require significantly lower exposure doses, and do not release nitrogen during exposure.
For development, we recommend either TMAH-based developers such as the ready-to-use AZ® 326 MIF or AZ® 726 MIF, or the KOH-based AZ® 400K 1:4 (typically 1: 4 diluted with water, for faster development also slightly stronger with 1:3.5 or 1:3). On alkaline-sensitive substrate materials such as aluminum, we recommend the aluminum-compatible, undiluted AZ® Developer.
If the resist structures have not been thermally cross-linked by plasma processes, ion implantation or high temperatures (> approx. 140 °C), all common removers such as AZ® 100 Remover, DMSO or many other organic solvents (e.g. Acetone rinsed with Isopropanol) are suitable for removing the resist layer. For cross-linked resist structures, high-performance strippers such as the NMP-free TechniStrip P1316 or AZ® 920 Remover are recommended, and in the case of alkaline-sensitive substrate materials (such as aluminum), the TechniStrip MLO 07.
Thinning / Edge Wall Removal
If the resist is to be diluted for spin coating, PGMEA = AZ® EBR Solvent is the recommended solvent. PGMEA is the solvent for AZ® 10 XT anyway and is also recommended for edge wall removal if necessary.
Further Information
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Safety Data Sheet AZ® 10XT (220cps) english
Safety Data Sheet AZ® 10XT (220cps) german
Technical Data Sheet AZ® 10XT (220cps) english
Application Notes:
Further Information about Photoresist Processing
AZ 10XT Photoresist (520cP) - 3.785 l
Bottle size:
3.785 l
AZ® 10XT (520CPS)
Thick photoresist for high resolution
General Information
AZ® 10XT is an i- and h-line (not g- line !) sensitive positive thick photoresist, as the successor to the AZ® 9260 and is largely identical in construction, but with a different surfactant. In contrast to the similarly named AZ® 12XT, the AZ® 10XT is not chemically amplified.
3.0 µm lines in 12 µm thick AZ® 10XT Ultratech 1500 Exposure, AZ® 400K Developer 1:4 (260s spray)
Product Features
AZ® 10XT not only has optimized resist adhesion to common substrate materials, but also the potential for very steep resist sidewalls and high aspect ratios. Accordingly, the AZ® 10XT is often used in electroplating, ion implantation or dry etching/RIE. AZ® 10XT achieves a resist film thickness of approx. 6 µm at a spin speed of 4000 rpm; with an appropriately adjusted spin profile, the resist film thickness range of approx. 4.5 - 20 µm can be covered. If thinner resist layers are desired, the AZ® 10XT can be diluted with PGMEA; alternatively, the thinner AZ® 4533 can also be used for many applications. From a resist film thickness of approximately 10 - 15 µm, processing the AZ® 10XT becomes increasingly time-consuming: the soft bake and subsequent development take longer, more and more time is needed for rehydration between soft bake and exposure, and the risk of nitrogen bubbles forming during exposure increases. For resist film thicknesses greater than 10 µm, it is recommended to consider using a chemically amplified thick resist such as AZ® 12 XT (5 - 20 µm resist film thickness) or AZ®IPS 6090 (> 20 µm resist film thickness), which have significantly shorter soft bake and development times for the corresponding resist thickness, do not need rehydration, require significantly lower exposure doses, and do not release nitrogen during exposure.
For development, we recommend either TMAH-based developers such as the ready-to-use AZ® 326 MIF or AZ® 726 MIF, or the KOH-based AZ® 400K 1:4 (typically 1: 4 diluted with water, for faster development also slightly stronger with 1:3.5 or 1:3). On alkaline-sensitive substrate materials such as aluminum, we recommend the aluminum-compatible, undiluted AZ® Developer.
If the resist structures have not been thermally cross-linked by plasma processes, ion implantation or high temperatures (> approx. 140 °C), all common removers such as AZ® 100 Remover, DMSO or many other organic solvents (e.g. Acetone rinsed with Isopropanol) are suitable for removing the resist layer. For cross-linked resist structures, high-performance strippers such as the NMP-free TechniStrip P1316 or AZ® 920 Remover are recommended, and in the case of alkaline-sensitive substrate materials (such as aluminum), the TechniStrip MLO 07.
Thinning / Edge Wall Removal
If the resist is to be diluted for spin coating, PGMEA = AZ® EBR Solvent is the recommended solvent. PGMEA is the solvent for AZ® 10 XT anyway and is also recommended for edge wall removal if necessary.
Further Information
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Safety Data Sheet AZ® 10XT (520cps) english
Safety Data Sheet AZ® 10XT (520cps) german
Technical Data Sheet AZ® 10XT (520cps) english
Further Information about Photoresist Processing
AZ 125nXT-10B Photoresist - 3.785 l
Bottle size:
3.785 l
AZ® 125nXT-10B
Ultra-Thick Negative Resist for Plating
General Information
The AZ® 125nXT-10B is an i-line sensitive, negative ultra-thick resist with steep resist sidewalls and high aspect ratio.
20 µm lines at 60 µm resist film thickness.
15 µm holes at 60 µm resist film thickness.
80 µm plated CuNi image.
Product Features
The ultra-thick negative resist AZ® 125nXT-10B covers a resist film thickness range of 20 - 50 µm and can be built up and processed to 100 µm and much more with adapted spin profiles. AZ® 125nXT-10B is only i-line sensitive and, as a special feature (for negative resists), does not require a post exposure bake after exposure for cross-linking, i.e. the AZ® 125nXT-10B photopolymerizes. Due to its low absorption, even very thick resist layers can be easily exposed and steep resist sidewalls can be achieved. This and its very good adhesion to all common substrate materials make this resist suitable for the galvanic molding of thick to very thick layers as well as DRIE. With low exposure doses or very thick resist layers - related to the respective resist film thickness - the resist profile becomes slightly negative, since the resist areas close to the substrate experience less cross-linking. If the electroplating process shows that these weakly cross-linked areas of the resist are attacked, but a higher structuring exposure dose is not an option, flood exposure (without a photomask) after development with very high doses can cross-link the resist sidewalls even near the substrate, which, however, makes it more difficult to strip the resist later. Even after such flood exposure, no further post exposure back is necessary. AZ® 125nXT-10B can generally be processed with resist films of less than 20 µm thick, but processing becomes problematic below 10 µm thickness: Since the additive responsible for cross-linking escapes from the resist surface during softbaking, only a few micrometers of the exposed resist surface are removed during development, which accounts for a correspondingly large proportion of the total thickness in the case of thin resist films.
AZ® 326 MIF (immersion development), AZ® 726 MIF (puddle development) or AZ® 2026 MIF (which has an additive that promotes residue-free development, especially with cross-linking resists) are recommended for developing the AZ® 125nXT-10B. KOH- or NaOH-based developers such as AZ® 400K or AZ® 351B are generally not suitable for the AZ® 125nXT-10B. If TMAH-based developers cannot be used, a KOH-based developer in higher concentration than usual can be considered.
AZ® 125nXT-10B can be removed wet-chemically using conventional strippers, but stripping very thick cross-linked resist structures can be quite a challenge. If organic solvents are preferred for this, (hot) DMSO is recommended, which does not dissolve cross-linked resists, but can detach them from the substrate after a certain exposure time. This process can be accelerated by reducing the degree of cross-linking of the resist near the substrate by using a lower exposure dose. Alternatively, high-performance strippers such as the NMP-free TechniStrip P1316 are recommended, or in the case of alkaline-sensitive substrate materials (such as aluminum), the TechniStrip MLO 07.
Thinning/ Edge Wall Removal
If the resist is to be diluted for spin coating, PGMEA = AZ® EBR Solvent is an option. PGMEA is the solvent for AZ® 125nXT-10B anyway and is also recommended for edge wall removal if necessary.
Further Information
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Safety Data Sheet AZ® 125nXT-10B english
Safety Data Sheet AZ® 125nXT-10B german
Technical Data Sheet AZ® 125nXT-10B english
Application Notes:
Further Information about Photoresist Processing
AZ 15nXT Photoresist (450cps) - 3.785 l
Bottle size:
3.785 l
AZ® 15nXT (450CPS)
Thick Negative Resist for Plating
General Information
The i-line sensitive negative resist AZ® 15nXT (450CPS) is a thick resist with a thickness of approx. 5 - 10 µm and vertical resist sidewalls for RIE or electroplating, for example.
5 µm lines at 10 µm resist film thickness.
5 µm holes at 10 µm resist film thickness.
5 µm plated CuNi image.
3.6 µm plated CuNi image.
Product Features
AZ® 15nXT (450CPS) covers a resist film thickness range of - depending on the spin speed - approx. 5 - 10 µm. It is only i-line sensitive and requires a post exposure bake after exposure to complete the cross-linking induced during exposure. With adjusted process parameters, the resist structures developed are vertical, increasingly negative towards thick resist films or - based on the respective resist film thickness - lower exposure doses. If thinner resist films are required, the AZ® 15nXT (450CPS) can be diluted with PGMEA = AZ® EBR Solvent. AZ® 15nXT (450CPS) is suitable as a mask for the galvanic deposition of e.g. Cu, Ni or Au due to its good adhesion to all common substrate materials and its high chemical stability.
For the development of the AZ® 15nXT (450CPS), TMAH-based developers such as the ready-to-use AZ® 326 MIF (immersion development), AZ® 726 MIF (puddle development) or AZ® 2026 MIF are recommended, which promotes residue-free development, especially with cross-linking resists, thanks to an additive. KOH- or NaOH-based developers such as the AZ® 400 K or AZ® 351B are generally not suitable for the AZ® 15nXT (450CPS). If TMAH-based developers cannot be used, an attempt with a KOH-based developer in higher concentration than usual can be considered.
If the resist structures have not been thermally cross-linked too much, for example through metallization, stripping or lift-off with organic solvents (acetone rinsed with isopropanol or DMSO) can be successful. For more strongly cross-linked resist structures, high-performance strippers such as the NMP-free TechniStrip NI555 or AZ® 910 Remover are recommended, or in the case of alkaline-sensitive substrate materials (such as aluminum), the TechniStrip MLO 07.
Thinning/ Edge Wall Removal
If the resist is to be diluted for spin coating, PGMEA = AZ® EBR Solvent is an option. PGMEA is the solvent for AZ® 15nXT (450CPS) anyway and is also recommended for edge wall removal if necessary.
Further Information
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Safety Data Sheet AZ® 15nXT (450CPS) Photoresist english
Safety Data Sheet AZ® 15nXT (450CPS) Photoresist german
Technical Data Sheet AZ® 15nXT (450CPS) Photoresist english
Technical Data Sheet AZ® 15nXT Series english
Information AZ® 15nXT (450CPS) Photoresist english
Application Notes:
Further Information about Photoresist Processing
AZ 40XT-11D Photoresist - 3.785 l
Bottle size:
3.785 l
AZ® 40XT
Chemically Amplified Thick Photoresist
General Information
AZ® 40XT is a chemically amplified, i-line sensitive ultra-thick photoresist for high aspect ratios.
Lines and spaces varying from 100 to 10 µm with a 40 µm thick AZ® 40XT at 400 mJ/cm2 exposure dose
Product Features
AZ® 40XT covers a resist film thickness range of approx. 15 - 50 µm. As a chemically amplified resist, the AZ® 40XT does not require rehydration between softbake and exposure, requires significantly lower exposure doses compared to non-chemically amplified resists of comparable thickness, does not release nitrogen during exposure (no bubble formation in the resist film during exposure), and has very high development rates for a thick resist. These properties help to make the entire process significantly faster and less prone to problems than with non-chemically amplified thick resists. Its good adhesion to all common substrate materials and its potential for steep resist sidewalls make it particularly suitable for galvanic molding for e.g. Cu, Ni or Au. In principle, the AZ® 40XT is only sensitive to i-line, but with correspondingly high exposure doses and resist film thicknesses, the h-line (405 nm) can also be used. It should be noted that with these chemically amplified photoresists, the post exposure bake is not optional but mandatory in order to complete the photo reaction induced during exposure and to enable subsequent development. If thinner photoresist layers than approx. 15 µm are desired, the AZ® 40XT can easily be diluted with PGMEA = AZ® EBR Solvent. If bubbles appear in the photoresist layer during the soft bake or post exposure bake, which can occur particularly with thicker photoresist layers, either a slow temperature ramp in these baking processes or a multi-stage baking process with increasing temperatures will help. If these measures are not an option, or if the formation of bubbles cannot be avoided despite this measure, we recommend using the ultra-thick photoresist AZ® IPS 6090, which is also chemically amplified.
TMAH-based developers such as the ready-to-use AZ® 326 MIF or AZ® 726 MIF are recommended for developing this chemically amplified photoresist. KOH- or NaOH-based developers such as the AZ® 400K or AZ® 351B are less suitable for the AZ® 40XT.
If the resist structures have not been thermally cross-linked by plasma processes, ion implantation or high temperatures (> approx. 140 °C), all common removers such as AZ® 100 Remover, DMSO or many other organic solvents (e.g. acetone rinsed with isopropanol) are suitable for removing the resist layer. For cross-linked resist structures, high-performance strippers such as the NMP-free TechniStrip P1316 or AZ® 920 Remover are recommended, and in the case of alkaline-sensitive substrate materials (such as aluminum), the TechniStrip MLO 07.
Thinning/ Edge Wall Removal
If the resist is to be diluted for spin coating, PGMEA = AZ® EBR Solvent is an option. PGMEA is the solvent for AZ® 40XT.anyway and is also recommended for edge wall removal if necessary.
Further Information
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Safety Data Sheet AZ® 40XT Photoresist english
Safety Data Sheet AZ® 40XT Fotolack german
Technical Data Sheet AZ® 40XT Photoresist english
Application Notes:
Further Information about Photoresist Processing
AZ 4999 Photoresist - 3.785 l - EUD/EVE!
Bottle size:
3.785 l
AZ® 4999
Spray Coating
General Information
AZ®4999 is a spray coating dedicated highly transparent photoresist tailored to excel on special spray coating equipment (e.g. SUSS Delta AltaSpray) where it provides defect free and conformal coatings on devices with severe topography. Thick (several to several tens of microns) and uniform resist coatings are obtained on topography such as V-grooves and trenches with optimum coverage of sharp edges. There is no accumulation of resist in trenches. The use of AZ®4999 photoresist enables high reproducibility in volume production applications.
Product Properties
Viscosity (at 25°C): 0.52 cSt
Solids content: 4 %
Absorptivity at 398 nm: 0.1 l/(g*cm)
Spectral sensitivity: 310 nm – 440 nm
If metal ion containing developers can be used, the KOH-based AZ® 400K in a 1:4 dilution (for higher resist film thicknesses 1:3.5 - 1:3 diluted possible) is a suited developer.
If metal ion free developers have to be used, we recommend the TMAH-based AZ® 2026 MIF developer (undiluted).
For non cross-linked resist films the AZ® 100 Remover, DMSO or other common organic solvents cab be used as stripper. If the resist film is crosslinked (e. g. by high temperature steps > 140°C, during plasma processes such as dry etching, or during ion implantation), we recommend the NMP-free TechniStrip P1316 as remover. AZ® 920 Remover can be a good choice as well, in case of harsh treated, hard to remove resist residuals.
Thinning/ Edge Bead Removal
We recommend for thinning and edge bead removal the products AZ® EBR Solvent or PGMEA.
Further Information
Safety Data Sheet AZ® 4999 Photoresist english
Sicherheitsdatenblatt AZ® 4999 Fotolack german
Technical Data Sheet AZ® 4999 Photoresist english
Application Notes:
Further Information about Photoresist Processing
AZ 5214-E Photoresist - 3.785 l
Bottle size:
3.785 l
AZ® 5214E
Image Reversal Resist for High Resolution
General Information
This special photoresist is intended for lift-off techniques which call for a negative side wall profile. The reversal bake moderately cross-links the exposed resist making the developed structures thermally stable up to approx. 130°C. Due to the comparably low resist film thickness of ~1.4 µm, the process parameter window for an undercut is rather small thus requiring some optimizations in the exposure dose and the reversal bake parameters. Therefore, if the resolution required is not in the sub-µm range, a thicker resist such as the AZ® LNR-003 (next section), or the AZ® nLOF 2000 negative resists might be a good alternative.
The undercut of AZ® 5214E attained under optimized process parameters.
Product Properties
Very high resolution as a positive resist as well as a negative resist
Possible negative sidewall profile in image reversal mode
Compatible with all common developers (NaOH-, KOH- or TMAH-based)
Compatible with all common strippers (e. g. with AZ® 100 Remover, organic solvents, or aqueous alkaline)
h- and i-line sensitive (approx. 320 - 405 nm)
Resist film thickness range approx. 1.0 – 1.8 µm
High thermal stability especially in image reversal mode
If metal ion containing developers can be used, the NaOH-based AZ® 351B in a 1:4 dilution (for a required resolution < 1 µm 1:5 dilution recommended) is a suited developer.
The KOH-based AZ® 400K (also 1:4 - 1:5 diluted) is also possible.
If metal ion free developers have to be used, we recommend the TMAH-based AZ® 726 MIF or AZ® 326 MIF developer, normally undiluted, or - for maximum resolution - moderately 3:1 - 2:1 ( 3 parts Developer :1 part of DI-Water) diluted with water.
For non cross-linked resist films the AZ® 100 Remover, DMSO or other common organic solvents cab be used as stripper. If the resist film is crosslinked (e. g. by high temperature steps > 140°C, during plasma processes such as dry etching, or during ion implantation), we recommend the NMP-free TechniStrip P1316 as remover. AZ® 920 Remover can be a good choice as well, in case of harsh treated, hard to remove resist residuals.
Thinning/ Edge Bead Removal
We recommend for thinning and edge bead removal the products AZ® EBR Solvent or PGMEA.
Further Information
Safety Data Sheet AZ® 5214E Photoresist english
Sicherheitsdatenblatt AZ® 5214E Fotolack german
Technical Data Sheet AZ® 5214E Photoresist english
Application Notes:
Further Information about Photoresist Processing
AZ IPS-6090 Photoresist - 3.785 l
Bottle size:
3.785 l
AZ® IPS-6090
Positive Thick Resist
General Information
AZ® IPS-6090 is a chemically amplified, i-line sensitive ultra-thick photoresist for high aspect ratios.
AZ® IPS 6050 (80 µm resist film thickness)
Product Properties
AZ® IPS-6090 covers a resist film thickness range of approx. 15 - 50 µm. As a chemically amplified resist, the AZ® IPS-6090 does not require rehydration between softbake and exposure, requires significantly lower exposure doses compared to non-chemically amplified resists of comparable thickness, does not release nitrogen during exposure (no bubble formation in the resist film during exposure), and has very high development rates for a thick resist. These properties help to make the entire process significantly faster and less prone to problems than with non-chemically amplified thick resists. Its good adhesion to all common substrate materials and its potential for steep resist sidewalls make it particularly suitable for galvanic molding. In principle, the AZ® IPS-6090 is only sensitive to i-line, but with correspondingly high exposure doses and resist film thicknesses, the h-line (405 nm) can also be used. It should be noted that with these chemically amplified photoresists, the post exposure bake is not only optional, but absolutely necessary in order to complete the photoreaction induced during exposure and to enable subsequent development. If thinner photoresist layers than approx. 15 µm are desired, the AZ® IPS 6090 can easily be diluted with PGMEA = AZ® EBR Solvent.
TMAH-based developers such as the ready-to-use AZ® 326 MIF or AZ® 726 MIF are recommended for developing this chemically amplified photoresist. KOH- or NaOH-based developers such as the AZ® 400K.or AZ® 351B are less suitable for the AZ® 40 XT.
If the resist structures have not been thermally cross-linked by plasma processes, ion implantation or high temperatures (> approx. 140 °C), all common removers such as AZ® 100 Remover, DMSO or many other organic solvents (e.g. acetone rinsed with isopropanol) are suitable for removing the resist layer. For cross-linked resist structures, high-performance strippers such as the NMP-free TechniStrip P1316 or AZ® 920 Remover are recommended, and in the case of alkaline-sensitive substrate materials (such as aluminum), the TechniStrip MLO 07.
Thinning/ Edge Bead Removal
If the resist is to be diluted for spin coating, PGMEA = AZ® EBR Solvent is an option. PGMEA is the solvent for AZ® IPS-6090 anyway and is also recommended for edge ridge removal if necessary.
Further Information
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Safety Data Sheet AZ® IPS-6090 Photoresist english
Safety Data Sheet AZ® IPS-6090 Photoresist german
Technical Data Sheet AZ® IPS-6090 english
Information AZ® IPS-6090 english
Application Notes:
Further Information about Photoresist Processing
AZ NLOF 2020 Photoresist - 3.785 l
Bottle size:
3.785 l
AZ® nLOF 2020
Thick Negative Resist for Lift Off
General Information
The i-line sensitive negative resist AZ® nLOF 2020 is, with a resist film thickness of approx. 2 µm, the thinnest member of the AZ® nLOF 2000 series, which is primarily optimized for lift-off applications.
700 nm resist lines attained with the 2.0 µm thick AZ® nLOF 2020.
Product Properties
AZ® nLOF 2020 covers a resist film thickness range of - depending on the spin speed - approx. 1.5 - 2.5 µm. It is only i-line sensitive and requires a post exposure bake after exposure to complete the cross-linking induced during exposure. The developed resist structures are (slightly) negative, as desired for lift-off applications, because the upper resist areas receive a slightly higher dose during exposure and thus cross-link more strongly than the resist areas close to the substrate. This undercut can only be increased to a limited extent using a lower exposure dose, because the low resist film thickness is in the range of the penetration depth of the exposure wavelength, meaning that even with low exposure doses it is always exposed through to the substrate. If even thinner resist layers are desired, the AZ® nLOF 2020 can be diluted with PGMEA = AZ® EBR Solvent or the use of AZ® LNR-003 can be considered. For thicker layers, we recommend the AZ® nLOF 2035 (approx. 3 - 4 µm) or the even thicker AZ® nLOF 2070 (> 5 µm), both of which differ from the AZ® nLOF 2020 only in the solvent content.
TMAH-based developers such as the ready-to-use AZ® 326 MIF (immersion development), AZ® 726 MIF (puddle development) or AZ® 2026 MIF (which uses an additive to promote residue-free development, especially with cross-linking resists) are recommended for developing the AZ® nLOF 2020. KOH- or NaOH-based developers such as the AZ® 400K or AZ® 351Bare generally not suitable for the AZ® nLOF 2020. If TMAH-based developers cannot be used, an attempt with a KOH-based developer in higher concentration than usual can be considered.
If the resist structures have not been thermally cross-linked too much, for example through metallization, stripping or lift-off with organic solvents (acetone rinsed with isopropanol or DMSO) can be successful. For more strongly cross-linked resist structures, high-performance strippers such as the NMP-free TechniStrip NI555 or AZ® 920 Remover are recommended, or in the case of alkaline-sensitive substrate materials (such as aluminum), the TechniStrip MLO 07.
Thinning/ Edge Bead Removal
If the resist is to be diluted for spin coating, PGMEA = AZ® EBR Solvent is an option. PGMEA is the solvent for AZ® nLOF 2020 anyway and is also recommended for edge wall removal if necessary.
Further Information
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Safety Data Sheet AZ® nLOF2020 Photoresist english
Safety Data Sheet AZ® nLOF2020 Photoresist german
Technical Data Sheet AZ® nLOF2000 Series english
Information AZ® nLOF2000 Series english
Application Notes:
Further Information about Photoresist Processing
AZ NLOF 2035 Photoresist - 3.785 l
Bottle size:
3.785 l
AZ® nLOF 2035
Thick Negative Resist for Lift Off
General Information
The i-line sensitive negative resist AZ® nLOF 2035 with a resist film thickness of approx. 3 - 4 µm is a member of the AZ® nLOF 2000 series, which is primarily optimized for lift-off applications.
700 nm resist lines attained with the 3.5 µm thick AZ® nLOF 2035.
Product Properties
AZ® nLOF 2035 covers a resist film thickness range of - depending on the spin speed - approx. 3 - 4 µm. It is only i-line sensitive and requires a post exposure bake after exposure to complete the cross-linking induced during exposure. The developed resist structures are pronounced negative, as desired for lift-off applications, since the upper resist areas receive a higher dose during exposure and thus cross-link more strongly than the resist areas close to the substrate. Using a lower exposure dose, in conjunction with a slightly hotter post exposure bake, this undercut can be increased to a certain extent to enable even more critical lift-off applications. If thinner resist layers are desired, the AZ® nLOF 2035 can be diluted with PGMEA = AZ® EBR Solvent or the AZ® nLOF 2020 can be used. For thicker layers, the AZ® nLOF 2070 (> 5 µm) is recommended; both differ from the AZ® nLOF 2035 only in the solvent content.
TMAH-based developers such as the ready-to-use AZ® 326 MIF (immersion development), AZ® 726 MIF (puddle development) or AZ® 2026 MIF (which uses an additive to promote residue-free development, especially with cross-linking resists) are recommended for developing the AZ® nLOF 2035. KOH- or NaOH-based developers such as the AZ® 400K or AZ® 351B are generally not suitable for the AZ® nLOF 2035. If TMAH-based developers cannot be used, an attempt with a KOH-based developer in higher concentration than usual can be considered.
If the resist structures have not been thermally cross-linked too much, for example through metallization, stripping or lift-off with organic solvents (acetone rinsed with isopropanol or DMSO) can be successful. For more strongly cross-linked resist structures, high-performance strippers such as the NMP-free TechniStrip NI555 or AZ® 920 Remover are recommended, or in the case of alkaline-sensitive substrate materials (such as aluminum), the TechniStrip MLO 07.
Thinning/ Edge Bead Removal
If the resist is to be diluted for spin coating, PGMEA = AZ® EBR Solvent is an option. PGMEA is the solvent for AZ® nLOF 2035 anyway and is also recommended for edge wall removal if necessary.
Further Information
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Safety Data Sheet AZ® nLOF2035 Photoresist english
Safety Data Sheet AZ® nLOF2035 Photoresist german
Technical Data Sheet AZ® nLOF2000 Series english
Information AZ® nLOF2000 Series english
Application Notes:
Further Information about Photoresist Processing
AZ NLOF 2070 Photoresist - 3.785 l
Bottle size:
3.785 l
AZ® nLOF 2070
Thick Negative Resist for Lift Off
General Information
The i-line sensitive negative resist AZ® nLOF 2070 is with approx. 5 - 10 µm resist film thickness the thickest member of the AZ® nLOF 2000 series, which is primarily optimized for lift-off applications.
A pronounced undercut attained with the AZ® nLOF 2070 in a thickness of 22 µm.
Product Properties
AZ® nLOF 2070 covers a resist film thickness range of - depending on the spin speed - approx. 5 - 10 µm. It is only i-line sensitive and requires a post exposure bake after exposure to complete the cross-linking induced during exposure. The developed resist structures are, as desired for lift-off applications, distinctly negative, since the upper resist areas receive a much higher dose during exposure and thus cross-link more strongly than the resist areas close to the substrate. Using a lower exposure dose, in conjunction with a slightly hotter post exposure bake, this undercut can also be increased significantly to enable more critical lift-off applications (sputtered or thicker layers). If thinner resist layers are required, the AZ® nLOF 2070 can be diluted with PGMEA = AZ® EBR Solvent or the AZ® nLOF 2035 or even thinner AZ® nLOF 2020 can be used, both differing only in the solvent content.
TMAH-based developers such as the ready-to-use AZ® 326 MIF (immersion development), AZ® 726 MIF (puddle development) or AZ® 2026 MIF (which uses an additive to promote residue-free development, especially with cross-linking resists) are recommended for developing the AZ® nLOF 2070. KOH- or NaOH-based developers such as the AZ® 400K or AZ® 351B are generally not suitable for the AZ® nLOF 2070. If TMAH-based developers cannot be used, an attempt with a KOH-based developer in higher concentration than usual can be considered.
If the resist structures have not been thermally cross-linked too much, for example through metallization, stripping or lift-off with organic solvents (acetone rinsed with isopropanol or DMSO) can be successful. For more strongly cross-linked resist structures, high-performance strippers such as the NMP-free TechniStrip NI555 or AZ® 920 Remover are recommended, or in the case of alkaline-sensitive substrate materials (such as aluminum), the TechniStrip MLO 07.
Thinning/ Edge Bead Removal
If the resist is to be diluted for spin coating, PGMEA = AZ® EBR Solvent is an option. PGMEA is the solvent for AZ® nLOF 2070 anyway and is also recommended for edge wall removal if necessary.
Further Information
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Safety Data Sheet AZ® nLOF2070 Photoresist english
Safety Data Sheet AZ® nLOF2070 Photoresist german
Technical Data Sheet AZ® nLOF2000 Series english
Information AZ® nLOF2000 Series english
Application Notes:
Further Information about Photoresist Processing
MC-Dip-Coating Resist - 0.50 l
Bottle size:
0.50 l
MC Dip Coating
Resist for Dip Coating
General Information
The MC Dip Coating Resist is a positive tone, ready-to-use (ready-diluted), low-cost resist, optimized for dip coating application with improved large-scale resist film thickness homogeneity.
Product Properties
MC Dip Coating Resist is a low-cost, ready-to-use (ready-diluted), positive tone resist optimized for dip coating with improved large-scale resist film thickness homogeneity. Its dye allows a fast and easy visual inspection on the coating performance. The attainable resist film thickness range is approx. 2 - 10 µm at a pull velocity of 3 - 15 mm/s.
MC Dip Coating Resist contains two solvents: The low-boiling MEK causes a fast pre-drying of the resist film thus preventing resist flowing towards the bottom of the substrate (panels) to be coated. The high-boiling (= slowly evaporating) PGMEA yields a very smooth resist film surface.
Dip Coating
A pull velocity of 5 - 8 mm/s is recommended for a high coating homogeneity. Between the dip coating steps, it is recommended to cover the tank in order to prevent the evaporation of MEK and the incorporation of particles into the liquid resist. After coating, few minutes delay at room temperature will allow the resist film to smoothen.
We recommend the developers AZ® Developer, AZ® 400K and AZ® 351B also possible are simple NaOH, KOH and TMAH solutions.
Resist Removal
Alkaline strippers such as AZ® 100 Remover, or an approx. 3 % aqueous KOH- or NaOH-solution will work. Many organic solvents are also suited for photoresist removal.
Further Information
Safety Data Sheet MC Dip Coating Resist english
Sicherheitsdatenblatt MC Dip Coating Resist german
Technical Data Sheet MC Dip Coating Resist english
Application Notes:
Further Information about Photoresist Processing
PL 177 Photoresist - 3.785 l
Bottle size:
3.785 l
AZ® PL 177
Positive Thick Resist
General Information
AZ® PL 177 is a positive tone liquid photoresist for the application in various coating techniques, especially for printed circuit boards manufacturing. AZ® PL 177 is dyed with a blue/violet colour for easy inspection after coating. It can be used for spin coating as well as for dip coating or for spray- or roller-coating. It is especially suited for wet chemical etching due to its outstanding adhesion properties and chemical stability. It is a general purpose resist and fits to all applications where high resolution and high thermal stability are not important.
The AZ® PL 177 is a more inexpensive resist for lower demands regarding resolution and sidewall steepness. With a resist film thickness of approx. 5 µm at 4000 rpm, a resolution of approx. 4 - 5 µm is possible.
Product Properties
Good drying behaviour
Aqueous-alkaline process ability
PGMEA based formulation
Very good adhesion properties to many types of substrates
Blue/violet coloured for easy inspection
Compatible with all common strippers (e.g. with AZ® 100 Remover, organic solvents, or aqueous alkaline)
g-, h- and i-line sensitive (approx. 320 - 440 nm)
Resist film thickness range approx. 4 - 8 µm
As a developer, we recommend the NaOH-based AZ® 351B, the KOH-based AZ® 400K or TMAH-based devel¬oper such as the AZ® 2026 MIF. AZ Developer and even simple aqueous KOH or NaOH solutions can be used.
For non cross-linked resist films the AZ® 100 Remover, DMSO or other common organic solvents can be used as stripper. If the resist film is cross-linked (e.g. by high temperature steps > 140°C, during plasma processes, such as dry etching, or during ion implantation), we recommend the NMP-free TechniStrip P1316 as remover.
AZ® 920 Remover can be a good choice as well in case of harsh treated or hard to remove resist residuals.
Thinning/ Edge Wall Removal
We recommend for thinning and edge bead removal AZ® EBR Solvent, PGMEA or MEK. AZ® EBR 70/30 Solvent is possible as well for edge bead removal.
Further Information
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Safety Data Sheet AZ® PL177 Photoresist english
Safety Data Sheet AZ® PL177 Photoresist german
Technical Data Sheet AZ® PL177 Photoresist english
Application Notes:
Further Information about Photoresist Processing
TI 35 ESX - 5.00 l
Bottle size:
5.00 l
TI 35ESX Photoresist
Image Reversal Resist
General Information
The TI 35 ESX resist is specially designed for the application in the so called “image reversal technology” for:
Subsequent lift-off of deposited layers with a thickness up to 4 µm
Plasma etching
The viscosity of the resist leads to a thickness range depending on the spin speed from 2.5 - 3.5 µm. The typical aspect ratio of the structured features achievable is in the range of 1.0 - 2.0. This technical data sheet intends to give you a guide-line for process parameters for various applications. However, the optimum values for e.g. spin profile, exposure dose or development depend on the individual equipment and need to be adjusted on each individual demand.
Due to the required second exposure, the process sequence will be easier with a negative resist like **AZ® nLof 20xx series and could be a good alternative.
Product Properties
Possible negative sidewall profile in image reversal mode
Compatible with all common developers (NaOH-, KOH- or TMAH-based)
Compatible with all common strippers (e. g. with AZ® 100 Remover, organic solvents, or aqueous alkaline)
g-, h- und i-line sensitive (approx. 320 - 440 nm)
Resist film thickness range approx. 2.5 – 3.5 µm
We recommend the TMAH-based developers AZ® 726 MIF, AZ® 2026 MIF or AZ® 400K 1:4 based on buffered KOH.
For non cross-linked resist films the AZ® 100 Remover, DMSO or other common organic solvents cab be used as stripper. If the resist film is crosslinked (e. g. by high temperature steps > 140°C, during plasma processes such as dry etching, or during ion implantation), we recommend the NMP-free TechniStrip P1316 as remover. AZ® 920 Remover can be a good choice as well, in case of harsh treated, hard to remove resist residuals.
Thinning/ Edge Bead Removal
We recommend for thinning and edge bead removal the products AZ® EBR Solvent or PGMEA.
Further Information
Safety Data Sheet TI 35ESX Photoresist english
Sicherheitsdatenblatt TI 35ESX Fotolack german
Technical Data Sheet TI 35ESX Photoresist english
Application Notes:
Further Information about Photoresist Processing
TI Spray - 0.25 l
Bottle size:
0.25 l
TI Spray
Image Reversal Resist
General Information
TI Spray for 1 - 20 µm Resist Film Thickness (g -, H - and I-line)
TI Spray is a ready-to-use spray resist whose low content of low-boiling solvent allows a smooth resist surface at the expense of a somewhat smaller edge coverage by slow drying of the resist film formed (If edge coverage is of highest importance, the use of AZ® 4999 should be considered as a good alternative).
It can be used in positive or in image-reversal (negative) mode. It can be used for wet chemical etching processes as well as for lift off applications.
Product Properties
Optimized resist adhesion to all common substrate materials
Broad process parameter window for stable and reproducible litho-processes
Compatible with all common strippers (e. g. with AZ® 100 Remover, organic solvents or aqueous alkaline)
g-, h- and i-line sensitive (approx. 320 - 440 nm)
Resist film thickness range approx. 1 - 20 µm
Very smooth resist layers after spray coating on the price of lower edge coverage potential
If metal ion containing developers can be used, the KOH-based AZ® 400K in a 1:4 dilution (for higher resist film thicknesses 1:3.5 - 1:3 diluted possible) is a suited developer.
If metal ion free developers have to be used, we recommend the TMAH-based AZ® 2026 MIF developer (undiluted).
For non cross-linked resist films the AZ® 100 Remover, DMSO or other common organic solvents cab be used as stripper. If the resist film is crosslinked (e. g. by high temperature steps > 140°C, during plasma processes such as dry etching, or during ion implantation), we recommend the NMP-free TechniStrip P1316 as remover. AZ® 920 Remover can be a good choice as well, in case of harsh treated, hard to remove resist residuals.
Thinning/ Edge Bead Removal
We recommend for thinning and edge bead removal the products AZ® EBR Solvent or PGMEA.
Further Information
Safety Data Sheet TI Spray english
Sicherheitsdatenblatt TI Spray german
Technical Data Sheet TI Spray english
Application Notes:
Further Information about Photoresist Processing