Info Material
Annual Calendar
70 x 100cm
We send our wall calendars to our customers every year. If you are interested in a 70 x 100cm annual calendar, please add it to your order or just fill in the form.
Buch "Fotolithografie - Grundlagen der Mikrostrukturierung"
Photolithography- Basics of Microstructuring
Book German Version
With this book, we would like to give you comprehensive, application-oriented know-how on wafers, photo chemicals and the structuring steps carried out with these. Theoretical basics are dealt with only to the extent as they are helpful for the understanding of the relationships between the process parameters. This keeps the focus on the description and explanation of practical examples.
We unfortunately cannot (always) give you ready-to-use recipes with guaranteed success on the way into the clean room. Rather, in the following chapters, our main objective is to provide you with all the necessary understanding for the planning, realization and optimization of your lithographic processes in all sub-steps with a minimum of time.
If you are interested in our book, please add it to your order or just fill in the form.
Our book is only available as a printed version. You can download some chapters as application notes.
Poster "Fotolack-Prozessierung"
As we hopefully have already shown you, we not only supply chemicals and substrates for microstructuring, but also try to assist with accompanying technical information and support. With the posters Photoresist Processing we tried to present comprehensive technical information visually appealing on high-quality DIN A0 posters.
If you would like to equip your office or clean room, we will gladly send you these posters.
If you are interested in our book, please add it to your order or just fill in the form.
Poster "Silicium- Wafers"
Silicium Wafers
As we hopefully have already shown you, we not only supply chemicals and substrates for microstructuring, but also try to assist with accompanying technical information and support. With the posters Silicium Wafers we tried to present comprehensive technical information visually appealing on high-quality DIN A0 posters.
If you would like to equip your office or clean room, we will gladly send you these posters.
If you are interested in our book, please add it to your order or just fill in the form.