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BOE 7:1 (87,5 : 12,5) - 2.50 l - VLSI - EVE/EUD!

BOE is mainly used for etching glasses, quartz and SiO2 films.

Product information "BOE 7:1 (87,5 : 12,5) - 2.50 l - VLSI - EVE/EUD!"

BOE 7:1

Buffered Oxide Etch


General Information

BOE is mainly used for etching glasses, quartz and SiO2 films. We supply BOE 7:1 = buffered hydrofluoric acid (HF : NH4F = 12.5 : 87.5%) in VLSI-quality, which is the usual purity grades applied in semiconductor processing and micro-electronics.

NOTE: BOE must be stored and transported above +12.5°C. Below this critical temperature of 12.5°C the material forms particles (little crystals). Since these crystals have a higher density, they will accumulate at the bottom of the bottle and will only be completely re-dissolved when the material is stored at temperatures of 30 - 35°C for some days. After this procedure the crystals should be re-dissolved completely and the BOE can be then used without restrictions.

Further Information

Safety Data Sheet BOE 7:1 (VLSI) english
Sicherheitsdatenblatt BOE 7:1 (VLSI) german

Specs BOE 7:1 (VLSI)

Application Notes:
Wet Etching english
Nasschemisches Ätzen german

Further Information about Processing

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Au etch 200 - 5.00 l
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AX 100 - 5.00 l
Bottle size: 5.00 l
AX 100 Activator   General Information AX 100 is an acidic solution for activating and pretreating seed layers and metallic surfaces for electroplating, on which a direct metallization may cause problems regarding the adhesive strength. This applies e.g. for the electroplating of Au on Ni surfaces or direct electroplating on Ti or TiW layers. AX 100 activates metallic surfaces before electroplating and allows a better adhesive strength of electroplated layers on metallic surfaces, which tend to oxidation. Common fields of application are semiconductor fabrication and microsystem technology. Product Properties Low or none etch attack on metallic surfaces Compatible to many materials, e.g. common metals used in electroplating industry Compatible to resist masking Not poisonous substance and easy to handle Moderate operation temperature of about 40°C Selectivity AX 100 is compatible/etches selective to following materials: Resists: common Novolak as masking resist (e.g. AZ® Photoresist) Metals: no attack on Ni, Ti, TiW, Ta, Cu Semiconductor materials: Si, SiO2, Si3N4 Data on selectivity and compatibility are manufacturer information and do not claim to be complete. Please contact us for further details. Further Information MSDS: Safety Data Sheet AX 100 english Sicherheitsdatenblatt AX 100 german TDS: Technical Data Sheet AX 100 english Application Notes: Further Information about Processing
Cr etch 210 - 5.00 l - EVE/EUD!
Bottle size: 5.00 l
Cr etch 210 Chromium Etchant   General Information Cr etch 210 is an alkaline etchant for Cr. The etchant is used for the wet-chemical patterning or removal of thin Cr layers with selectivity to metals like Au, Sn, Pt, Cu, Ni, Ti, Ta. Common areas of use are for semiconductor fabrication or microsystem technology, e.g. for the removal or patterning of a Cr barrier or adhesion layer in a plating seed stack. Product Properties Low undercut (in the range of the layer thickness), minimum feature size < 1µm Selectivity to many materials, e.g. common metals used in electroplating industry Available in different purity grades Compatible to resist mask Use at room temperature Increase of the etching rate by increased temperature up to 40°C Selectivity Cr etch 210 is compatible/etches selective to following materials: Resists: common Novolak as masking resist (e.g. AZ® Photoresist) Metals: no attack on Au, Sn, Pt, Cu, Ni, Ti, Ta Metals: attacked Cr Semiconductor materials: Si, SiO2, Si3N4 Data on selectivity and compatibility are manufacturer information and do not claim to be complete. Please contact us for further details. Etching Rate Under normal condition, the etching rate is around 10 to 15nm/min at 40 °C (accordingly lower at room temperature). A sputtered 30nm Cr layer is etched in about 180 seconds. The mixed etching solution is stable over time and can be used multiple times depending on the requirements of application. It is recommended to dispose the solution at the latest, when the etching rate has changed by 20%. Further Information MSDS: Safety Data Sheet Cr etch 210 english Sicherheitsdatenblatt Cr etch 210 german TDS: Technical Data Sheet Cr etch 210 english Technical Data Sheet Cr etch 210 german Application Notes: Wet Etching english Nasschemisches Ätzen german Wet Etching of Metals english Nasschemisches Ätzen von Metallen german Further Information about Processing
Cu etch 100 - 5.00 l - ready to use
Bottle size: 5.00 l
Cu etch 100 Copper Etchant   General Information Cu etch 100 is an alkaline etchant for Cu and is used for the wet-chemical removal of Cu layers with selectivity to metals like Ni, Au, Cr, Sn, Ti. Common areas of use are for semiconductor fabrication or microsystem technology. Product Properties High etching rate and rate of under etching with Cu as sacrificial layer Selectivity to many materials, e.g. common metals used in electroplating industry Available in different purity grades Compatible to resist masking Usage at room temperature Selectivity Cu etch 100 is compatible/etches selective to following materials: Resists: common Novolak as masking resist (e.g. AZ® Photoresist) Metals: no attack on Ni, Au, Cr, Sn, Ti, Pt, Ta Metals: attacked Cu, TiW, Ag, Zn Semiconductor materials: Si, SiO2, Si3N4 Data on selectivity and compatibility are manufacturer information and do not claim to be complete. Please contact us for further details. Etching Rate Under normal condition, the etching rate is around 3 to 3.5µm/min (at RT). The mixed etching solution is not stable over time (mixture of two components), but can be used multiple times depending on the requirements of application. It is recommended to dispose the solution at the latest, when the etching rate has changed by 20%. Further Information MSDS: Safety Data Sheet Cu etch 100 english Sicherheitsdatenblatt Cu etch 100 german TDS: Technical Data Sheet Cu etch 100 english Technical Data Sheet Cu etch 100 german Application Notes: Wet Etching english Nasschemisches Ätzen german Wet Etching of Metals english Nasschemisches Ätzen von Metallen german Further Information about Processing
Cu etch 150 - 5.00 l - ready to use
Bottle size: 5.00 l
Cu etch 150 Copper Etchant   General Information Cu etch 150 is an alkaline etchant for Cu and is used for the wet-chemical removal of Cu layers with selectivity to metals like Ni, Au, Cr, Sn, Ti. Common areas of use are for semiconductor fabrication or microsystem technology. Product Properties Selectivity to many materials, e.g. common metals used in electroplating industry Available in different purity grades Compatible to resist masking Usage at room temperature Selectivity Cu etch 150 is compatible/etches selective to following materials: Resists: common Novolak as masking resist (e.g. AZ® Photoresist) Metals: no attack on Ni, Au, Cr, Sn, Ti, Pt, Ta Metals: attacked Cu, TiW, Ag, Zn Semiconductor materials: Si, SiO2, Si3N4 Data on selectivity and compatibility are manufacturer information and do not claim to be complete. Please contact us for further details. Etching Rate Under normal condition, the etching rate is around 100 to 150nm/min (at RT). The mixed etching solution is not stable over time (mixture of two components), but can be used multiple times depending on the requirements of application. It is recommended to dispose the solution at the latest, when the etching rate has changed by 20%. Further Information MSDS: Safety Data Sheet Cu etch 150 english Sicherheitsdatenblatt Cu etch 150 german TDS: Technical Data Sheet Cu etch 150 english Technical Data Sheet Cu etch 150 german Application Notes: Wet Etching english Nasschemisches Ätzen german Wet Etching of Metals english Nasschemisches Ätzen von Metallen german Further Information about Processing
Cu etch 200 UBM - 5.00 l
Bottle size: 5.00 l
Cu etch 200 UBM Copper Etchant   General Information Cu etch 200 UBM is a slightly alkaline etchant for Cu and is used for the wet-chemical removal of Cu seed layers with selectivity to metals like Ni, Au, Cr, Sn, Ti, Al. Common areas of use are for semiconductor fabrication or microsystem technology especially for the removal of seed layers after the plating of under-bump-metallization (UBM). Product Properties Selectivity to many materials, e.g. common metals used in electroplating industry Very small dimension lost Available in different purity grades Compatible to resist masking Usage at room temperature Selectivity Cu etch 200 UBM is compatible/etches selective to following materials: Resists: common Novolak as masking resist (e.g. AZ® Photoresist) Metals: no attack on Ni, Au, Cr, Sn, Ti, Al, Pt Metals: attack on Cu, Ag Semiconductor materials: Si, SiO2, Si3N4 Data on selectivity and compatibility are manufacturer information and do not claim to be complete. Please contact us for further details. Etching Rate Under normal condition, the etching rate is around 200 to 250nm/min (at RT). The etching solution stable over time and can be used multiple times depending on the requirements of application. It is recommended to dispose the solution at the latest, when the etching rate has changed by 20%. Further Information MSDS: Safety Data Sheet Cu etch 200 english Sicherheitsdatenblatt Cu etch 200 german TDS: Technical Data Sheet Cu etch 200 english Technical Data Sheet Cu etch 200 german Application Notes: Wet Etching english Nasschemisches Ätzen german Wet Etching of Metals english Nasschemisches Ätzen von Metallen german Further Information about Processing
TechniEtch ACI2 - 5.00 l - VLSI
Bottle size: 5.00 l
TechniEtch™ACI2 Gold Etchant   General Information TechniEtch™ACI2 is a highly effective and selective gold stripper. TechniEtch™ACI2 is an Iodine based Gold etchant, containing particular additives that greatly enhance stability and metal loading capability compared to conventional I2/I3 - based solutions . Product Properties High etch rate at room temperature Low surface tension for enhanced wetting property High stability even in presence of metal contamination (Cu, Ni…). Loading & bath life independent of the solution Cu contamination level (up to 1g/l) Enlarged loading capacity compared to standard I2/KI based solutions. Better process controllability/reliability. Low Toxicity compared to cyanide and HF/HNO3 based solutions Selectivity TechniEtch™ACI2 is compatible/etches selective to following materials: Metals: no attack on Ni, Al, Ti, TiN Metals: attack on Au, Cu, Sn, Pt, W Semiconductor materials: Si, SiO2, Si3N4 Data on selectivity and compatibility are manufacturer information and do not claim to be complete. Please contact us for further details. Further Information MSDS: Safety Data TechniEtch™ACI2 (VLSI) english Sicherheitsdatenblatt TechniEtch™ACI2 (VLSI) german TDS: Technical Data Sheet TechniEtch™ACI2 (VLSI) english Specs: Specs TechniEtch™ACI2 (VLSI) Application Notes: Wet Etching english Nasschemisches Ätzen german Wet Etching Metals english Nasschemisches Ätzen von Metallen german Further Information about Processing
TechniEtch Al80 - 2.50 l - MOS
TechniEtch Al80 Aluminium Etchant   General Information TechniEtch Al80 is a ready-to-use etching mixture based on phosphoric acid, nitric acid and acetic acid for aluminium etching. Our aluminium etchant TechniEtch Al80 has the composition H3PO4 : HNO3 : CH3COOH* : H2O = 80% : 5% : 5% : 10% comes in MOS quality. Product Properties High etch rate at room temperature. High stability even in presence of metal contamination Loading & bath life mainly dependent of process temperature, tool and extraction flow Selectivity TechniEtch Al80 is compatible/etches selective to following materials: Metals: no attack on Au, Pt Metals: attack on Al Data on selectivity and compatibility are manufacturer information and do not claim to be complete. Please contact us for further details. Further Information MSDS: Safety Data TechniEtch Al80 (MOS) english Sicherheitsdatenblatt TechniEtch Al80 (MOS) german TDS: Technical Data Sheet TechniEtch Al80 (MOS) english Specs: Specs TechniEtch Al80 (MOS) Application Notes: Wet Etching english Nasschemisches Ätzen german Wet Etching Metals english Nasschemisches Ätzen von Metallen german Further Information about Processing
TechniEtch CN10 Concentrate - 2.50 l - MOS - EVE/EUD!
TechniEtch™ CN10 Copper and Nickel Etchant   General Information TechniEtch™ CN10 is a copper and nickel etchant, which is a mixture of nitric- and phosphoric acid. The etching process should be carried out with an addition of 8-16 % Hydrogenperoxide (30 %). At 25° C the etching rate is approx. 0.3-0.4 µm per minute. Without the Addition of Hydrogenperoxide the etching rate is significantly lower and less homogenous.   TechniEtch CN10 (90 s RT Cu seed removal) Product Properties Better process controllability/reliability High stability even in presence of metal contamination Selectivity TechniEtch™ CN10 is compatible/etches selective to following materials: Metals: no attack on Ti, TiN Metals: attack on Cu, Ni Data on selectivity and compatibility are manufacturer information and do not claim to be complete. Please contact us for further details. Further Information MSDS: Safety Data TechniEtch™ CN10 (MOS) english Sicherheitsdatenblatt TechniEtch™ CN10 (MOS) german TDS: TF Technical Data Sheet TechniEtch™ CN10 (MOS) english MC Technical Data Sheet TechniEtch™ CN10 (MOS) english Mixing TechniEtch™ CN10 (MOS) english Specs: Specs TechniEtch™ CN10 (MOS) Application Notes: Wet Etching english Nasschemisches Ätzen german Wet Etching Metals english Nasschemisches Ätzen von Metallen german Further Information about Processing
TechniEtch Cr01 - 2.50 l - VLSI
TechniEtch Cr01 Chromium Etchant   General Information TechniEtch Cr01 is a ready-to-use etching mixture based on ceric ammonium nitrate and perchloric acid for Cr etching. TechniEtch Cr01 consists of ceric ammonium nitrate : Perchloric acid : water = 10.9% : 4.25% : 84.85% with an etching rate of about 60 nm/minute at room temperature comes in VLSI quality. Product Properties Cr etch rate at room temperature 60-100 nm/min Al, Ti, W, Ni @ RT from 10nm/min to 200 nm/min Cu, Ag, V are heavily etched > 200 nm/min Au, Pd, Pt are compatible Compatible with positive tone resin Can be diluted down to adjust Cr etch rate Selectivity TechniEtch Cr01 is compatible/etches selective to following materials: Metals: no attack on Au, Pd, Pt Metals: attack on Cr, Fe, Mo, Ni, Al, Ti, W, Cu, Ag, V, Co, Mg, Mn, Sn Data on selectivity and compatibility are manufacturer information and do not claim to be complete. Please contact us for further details. Further Information MSDS: Safety Data TechniEtch Cr01 (VLSI) english Sicherheitsdatenblatt TechniEtch Cr01 (VLSI) german TDS: Technical Data Sheet TechniEtch Cr01 (VLSI) english Specs: Specs TechniEtch Cr01 (VLSI) Application Notes: Wet Etching english Nasschemisches Ätzen german Wet Etching Metals english Nasschemisches Ätzen von Metallen german Further Information about Processing
TiW Etch 100 - 5.00 l
Bottle size: 5.00 l
TiW etch 100 Titan-Wolfram Etchant   General Information TiW etch 100 is applied as etchant for Titan-Wolfram layers. Usual applications are found in the semiconductor or microsystem technology field for etching adhesion layers or diffusion barriers. Product Properties Low undercut (in the range of the layer thickness), minimum feature size < 1µm Selectivity to many materials, e.g. common metals used in electroplating industry Compatible to resist masking Selectivity TiW etch 100 is compatible/etches selective to following materials: Resists: common Novolak as masking resist (e.g. AZ® Photoresist) Metals: no attack on Au, Pt, Ni, Cr, Sn Metals: attack on TiW, Cu Cu impact at prolonged exposition Semiconductor materials: Si, SiO2, Si3N4 Data on selectivity and compatibility are manufacturer information and do not claim to be complete. Please contact us for further details. Etching Rate Under normal condition, the etching rate is around 1nm/sec (at room temperature). The mixed etching solution is stable over time and can be used multiple times depending on the requirements of application. It is recommended to dispose the solution at the latest, when the etching rate has changed by 20%. Further Information MSDS: Safety Data Sheet TiW etch 100 english Sicherheitsdatenblatt TiW etch 100 german TDS: Technical Data Sheet TiW etch 100 english Technisches Datenblatt TiW etch 100 german Application Notes: Wet Etching english Nasschemisches Ätzen german Wet Etching of Metals english Nasschemisches Ätzen von Metallen german Further Information about Processing
TiW Etch 200 - 5.00 l
Bottle size: 5.00 l
TiW etch 200 Titan-Wolfram Etchant   General Information TiW etch 200 is applied as etchant for titanium-wolfram layers. Usual applications are found in the semiconductor or microsystem technology field for etching adhesion layers or diffusion barriers. Product Properties Low undercut (in the range of the layer thickness), minimum feature size < 1µm Selectivity to many materials, e.g. common metals used in electroplating industry Compatible to resist masking Selectivity TiW etch 200 is compatible/etches selective to following materials: Resists: common Novolak as masking resist (e.g. AZ® Photoresist) Metals: no attack on Au, Pt, Ni, Cr Metals: attacked TiW, Cu Semiconductor materials: Si, SiO2, Si3N4 Data on selectivity and compatibility are manufacturer information and do not claim to be complete. Please contact us for further details. Etching Rate Under normal condition, the etching rate is around 5nm/min (at room temperature). The mixed etching solution is stable over time and can be used multiple times depending on the requirements of application. It is recommended to dispose the solution at the latest, when the etching rate has changed by 20%. Further Information MSDS: Safety Data Sheet TiW etch 200 EN Sicherheitsdatenblatt TiW etch 200 DE TDS: Technical Data Sheet TiW etch 200 EN Technisches Datenblatt TiW etch 200 DE Application Notes: Wet Etching Nasschemisches Ätzen Wet Etching of Metals Nasschemisches Ätzen von Metallen Further Information about Processing
Hydrogen peroxide 30% - 2.50 l - VLSI - PERSO+EVE/EUD!
Hydrogene Peroxide H2O2   General Information H2O2 is an ingredient of the Piranha-etch, RCA-1 and RCA-2 etching solutions, as well as etching solutions for various III/V-semiconductors. H2O2 (30%) is available in VLSI-quality, which is the usual purity grades applied in semiconductor processing and micro-electronics. Further Information MSDS: Safety Data Sheet Hydrogen Peroxide 30% (VLSI) english Sicherheitsdatenblatt Hydrogen Peroxide 30% (VLSI) german Specs: Specs Hydrogen Peroxide 30% (VLSI) Application Notes: Wet Etching english Nasschemisches Ätzen german Further Information about Processing
Acetic Acid 100 % - 2.50 l - VLSI
Acetic Acid CH3COOH   General Information Acetic Acid as surfactant and buffer is a commonly used additive for various etching mixtures. We supply Acetic Acid (99 %) in VLSI-quality, which is the usual purity grades applied in semiconductor processing and micro-electronics. Further Information   MSDS: Safety Data Sheet Acetic Acid (VLSI) 100 % english Sicherheitsdatenblatt Essigsäure (VLSI) 100 % german Specs: Specs Acetic Acid (VLSI) 100 % Application Notes: Wet Etching english Nasschemisch Ätzen german
Hydrofluoric Acid EVE 1% - 2.50 l - VLSI - EVE/EUD!
Concentration: 1 %
Hydrofluoric Acid HF   General Information Hydrofluoric Acid is mainly used for etching glasses, quartz and SiO2 films as well as (mixed with HNO3) for isotropic silicon etching. We supply hydrofluoric acid (1%, 10% and 50%) in VLSI-quality, which is the usual purity grades applied in semiconductor processing and micro-electronics. Further Information MSDS: Safety Data Sheet Hydrofluoric Acid 1% (VLSI) english Sicherheitsdatenblatt Hydrofluoric Acid 1% (VLSI) german Safety Data Sheet Hydrofluoric Acid 10% (VLSI) english Sicherheitsdatenblatt Hydrofluoric Acid 10% (VLSI) german Safety Data Sheet Hydrofluoric Acid 50% (VLSI) english Sicherheitsdatenblatt Hydrofluoric Acid 50% (VLSI) german Specs: Specs Hydrofluoric Acid 1% (VLSI) Specs Hydrofluoric Acid 10% (VLSI) Specs Hydrofluoric Acid 50% (VLSI) Application Notes: Wet Etching english Nasschemisches Ätzen german Further Information about Processing
Hydrofluoric Acid EVE 10% - 2.50 l - VLSI - EVE/EUD!
Concentration: 10 %
Hydrofluoric Acid HF   General Information Hydrofluoric Acid is mainly used for etching glasses, quartz and SiO2 films as well as (mixed with HNO3) for isotropic silicon etching. We supply hydrofluoric acid (1%, 10% and 50%) in VLSI-quality, which is the usual purity grades applied in semiconductor processing and micro-electronics. Further Information MSDS: Safety Data Sheet Hydrofluoric Acid 1% (VLSI) english Sicherheitsdatenblatt Hydrofluoric Acid 1% (VLSI) german Safety Data Sheet Hydrofluoric Acid 10% (VLSI) english Sicherheitsdatenblatt Hydrofluoric Acid 10% (VLSI) german Safety Data Sheet Hydrofluoric Acid 50% (VLSI) english Sicherheitsdatenblatt Hydrofluoric Acid 50% (VLSI) german Specs: Specs Hydrofluoric Acid 1% (VLSI) Specs Hydrofluoric Acid 10% (VLSI) Specs Hydrofluoric Acid 50% (VLSI) Application Notes: Wet Etching english Nasschemisches Ätzen german Further Information about Processing
Hydrofluoric Acid EVE 50% - 2.50 l - VLSI - EVE/EUD!
Concentration: 50 %
Hydrofluoric Acid HF   General Information Hydrofluoric Acid is mainly used for etching glasses, quartz and SiO2 films as well as (mixed with HNO3) for isotropic silicon etching. We supply hydrofluoric acid (1%, 10% and 50%) in VLSI-quality, which is the usual purity grades applied in semiconductor processing and micro-electronics. Further Information MSDS: Safety Data Sheet Hydrofluoric Acid 1% (VLSI) english Sicherheitsdatenblatt Hydrofluoric Acid 1% (VLSI) german Safety Data Sheet Hydrofluoric Acid 10% (VLSI) english Sicherheitsdatenblatt Hydrofluoric Acid 10% (VLSI) german Safety Data Sheet Hydrofluoric Acid 50% (VLSI) english Sicherheitsdatenblatt Hydrofluoric Acid 50% (VLSI) german Specs: Specs Hydrofluoric Acid 1% (VLSI) Specs Hydrofluoric Acid 10% (VLSI) Specs Hydrofluoric Acid 50% (VLSI) Application Notes: Wet Etching english Nasschemisches Ätzen german Further Information about Processing
Phosphoric Acid 85% - 2.50 l - (VLSI)
Phosphoric Acid H3PO4   General Information Phosphoric Acid mixed with HNO3 is an ingredient of many etching mixtures for e.g. Aluminium and many other metals. We supply Phosphoric Acid (85%) in VLSI-quality, which is the usual purity grades applied in semiconductor processing and micro-electronics. Further Information MSDS: Safety Data Sheet Phosphoric Acid 85% (VLSI) english Sicherheitsdatenblatt Phosphoric Acid 85% (VLSI) german Specs: Specs Phosphoric Acid 85% (VLSI) Application Notes: Wet Etching english Nasschemisches Ätzen german Further Information about Processing
Nitric Acid 69.5% - 2.50 l - (VLSI) - PERSO+EVE/EUD!
Nitric Acid HNO3   General Information Nitric Acid is the oxidizing ingredient of many etching mixtures for e.g. Silver, Copper, Aluminium, Silicon, Germanium and (together with HCl as aqua regia) Gold. We supply Nitric Acid (69%) in VLSI-quality, which is the usual purity grades applied in semiconductor processing and micro-electronics. Further Information MSDS: Safety Data Sheet Nitric Acid 69,5% (VLSI) english Sicherheitsdatenblatt Nitric Acid 69,5% (VLSI) german Specs: Specs Nitric Acid 69,5% (VLSI) Application Notes: Wet Etching english Nasschemisches Ätzen german Further Information about Processing
Hydrochloric Acid 37% - 2.50 l - VLSI - EVE/EUD!
Hydrochloric Acid HCI   General Information Hydrochloric Acid is an ingredient of various etching mixtures for e.g. ITO, Silver and (together with HNO3 as aqua regia) gold. HCl is suited for the removal of oxide films on many metals. Our Hydrochloric Acid (37%) is available in VLSI-quality, which is the usual purity grades applied in semiconductor processing and micro-electronics. NOTE: HCl (hydrogen chloride), is a gas that dissolves very well in water and forms hydrochloric acid in dissolved form. With a molar mass of 36 g / mol, hydrogen chloride is a very small molecule, which means that it can diffuse through polymers very well. For reasons of purity, the hydrochloric acid is filled in HD-PE polymer bottles. In order to protect the bottles from particles and contaminations, these bottles (which are intended for the use in clean rooms) are packed in plastic bags. Over the time of storage, however, the hydrogen chloride diffuses through the wall of the bottle, which is made of polymer, and collects in the foil bag. There is air that contains not only carbon dioxide but also water vapor and it can react with the hydrogen chloride, whereby either a white dust or fine droplets can be found in the foil bag. This happens during storage even if there is not the slightest leak in the bottles. This white dust or the possible fine droplets are the reason why the 37% hydrochlo¬ric acid, unlike e.g. sulfuric acid of the same degree of purity, has not a shelf life of 3 years, but is only „durable“ for 1 year. It is therefore not the reason that the acid would not maintain its purity or its properties, but rather the label and also the bottles or foil bags are increasingly affected by the problem described above in the course of storage. Further Information MSDS: Safety Data Sheet Hydrochloric Acid 37% (VLSI) english Sicherheitsdatenblatt Salzsäure 37% (VLSI) german Specs: Specs Hydrochloric Acid 37% (VLSI) Application Notes: Wet Etching english Nasschemisches Ätzen german Further Information about Processing
Sulfuric Acid 96% - 2.50 l - VLSI - PERSO+EVE/EUD!
Sulfuric Acid H2SO4   General Information A mixture of Sulfuric Acid with H2O2 is a powerful stripper for organic impurities or residuals on substrates. We supply Sulfuric Acid (96%) in VLSI-quality, which is the usual purity grades applied in semiconductor processing and micro-electronics. Further Information MSDS: Safety Data Sheet Sulfuric Acid 96% (VLSI) english Sicherheitsdatenblatt Sulfuric Acid 96% (VLSI) german Specs: Specs Sulfuric Acid 96% (VLSI) Application Notes: Wet Etching english Nasschemisches Ätzen german Further Information about Processing