BOE 7:1 (87,5 : 12,5) - 2.50 l - VLSI - EVE/EUD!

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Product information "BOE 7:1 (87,5 : 12,5) - 2.50 l - VLSI - EVE/EUD!"
BOE 7:1
Buffered Oxide Etch
General Information
BOE is mainly used for etching glasses, quartz and SiO2 films. We supply BOE 7:1 = buffered hydrofluoric acid (HF : NH4F = 12.5 : 87.5%) in VLSI-quality, which is the usual purity grades applied in semiconductor processing and micro-electronics.
NOTE: BOE must be stored and transported above +12.5°C. Below this critical temperature of 12.5°C the material forms particles (little crystals). Since these crystals have a higher density, they will accumulate at the bottom of the bottle and will only be completely re-dissolved when the material is stored at temperatures of 30 - 35°C for some days. After this procedure the crystals should be re-dissolved completely and the BOE can be then used without restrictions.
Further Information
Safety Data Sheet BOE 7:1 (VLSI) english
Sicherheitsdatenblatt BOE 7:1 (VLSI) german
Specs BOE 7:1 (VLSI)
Application Notes:
Wet Etching english
Nasschemisches Ätzen german
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