AZ LNR-003 diluted - 1:0.3 with PGMEA - 1.00 l

Product information "AZ LNR-003 diluted - 1:0.3 with PGMEA - 1.00 l"
AZ® LNR-003 diluted – 1:0.3 with PGMEA
Negative Resist for Lift-off Applications
General Information
The i-line sensitive negative resist AZ® LNR 003 with a resist film thickness of approx. 1 - 2 µm is a resist optimized primarily for lift-off applications due to its adjustable strong undercut.
Product Properties
AZ® LNR 003 covers a resist film thickness range of - depending on the spin speed - approx. 1 - 2 µm. It is only i-line sensitive and requires a post exposure bake after exposure to complete the cross-linking induced during exposure. The developed resist structures are, as desired for lift-off applications, pronounced negative even with low resist film thicknesses, since the strong absorption means that the upper resist areas receive a much higher dose during exposure and thus cross-link more strongly than the resist areas close to the substrate. The undercut can be adjusted over a relatively large range using the exposure dose (lower dose = stronger undercut) and the duration of overdevelopment. This also enables critical lift-off applications (for example sputtered or thicker layers) to be implemented. However, it should be noted that too strong an undercut can lead to narrow resist structures lifting off the substrate during development. If even thinner resist layers are required, the AZ® LNR 003 can be diluted with PGMEA = AZ® EBR Solvent, whereby it becomes increasingly difficult to achieve an undercut with based resist layers. For thicker resist layers, the higher viscosity version of the AZ® LNR 003 is recommended or for > 3 µm resist film thickness the AZ® nLOF 2000 series.
TMAH-based developers such as the ready-to-use AZ® 326 MIF (immersion development), AZ® 726 MIF (puddle development) or AZ® 2026 MIF (which has an additive that promotes residue-free development, especially with cross-linking resists) are recommended for developing the AZ® LNR 003. KOH- or NaOH-based developers such as AZ® 400K or AZ® 351B are generally not suitable for the AZ® LNR 003. If TMAH-based developers cannot be used, an attempt with a normal or more aggressive KOH-based developer can be considered.
If the resist structures have not been thermally cross-linked too much, for example through metallization, stripping or lift-off with organic solvents (acetone rinsed with isopropanol or DMSO) can be successful. For more strongly cross-linked resist structures, high-performance strippers such as the NMP-free TechniStrip NI555 or AZ® 920 Remover are recommended, or in the case of alkaline-sensitive substrate materials (such as aluminum), the TechniStrip MLO 07.
Thinning/ Edge Bead Removal
If the resist is to be diluted for spin coating, PGMEA = AZ® EBR Solventis an option. PGMEA is the solvent for AZ® LNR 003 anyway and is also recommended for edge removal if necessary.
Further Information
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Technical Data Sheet AZ® LNR-003 english
Information AZ® LNR-003 english
Application Notes:
Further Information about Photoresist Processing
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